Friday, December 29, 2006

Went to see night at the museum last night. I had hoped to take the kids to a 7-ish showing, but alas we were in north pole still at 615 and the next showing was at 640, totally not enough time to scramble in to town, get junk food, and get seated.
So we went to a 935 showing... the kids seemed tired on the way TO the movie. I had to enourage my 7 year old to stay awake. She is my morning person and doesn't seem to stay awake during movies much. But really once the movie got going, they all stayed awake and attentive.
My youngest curled up on my lap, and I had my son on the left side and my other daughter on my right side. That's the way I like it. All my kids nearby while we engage in family time, even though when we are all staring at a huge screen surrounded by complete strangers, you can't really call it quality time, but it is nice just knowing that we are together.
I did pretty good last night not thinking about being gone soon. The preview are really what throw me. I see a movie that I think "that'd be cool to take the kids to," then see when the release date is and realize we will be on opposite ends of the continent at that time :-(
Ah well, it is only 7 months and really this last year has gone by so darned fast that 7 months is only a drop in the bucket, right?

Oh yeah, as you can see, our swimming plans got changed. I had forgotten to grab a suit for my youngest from her dad's house, and well, I wasn't feeling up to par physically last night so a relaxing event just suited me better. I promised the kids that I'd try to snag them from their dad later in the week for some swim time. If he is working graves, I can't see how he'd care, he goes to work the same time swim starts AND I'll return them to his house and his wife before he gets home, or maybe he can just want to pick them up when he finishes his shift the next morning... who knows. Maybe he'll just decide that he doesn't want to be nice and say no. I hope not, for the kids' sake, but if so there is still time during this break to do fun things... AND I have planned time off in January. YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!

Have a good day all, and maybe some day soon I'll regale you with tales from the gym... just as soon as I experience them :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey I saw that movie last night too!! I thought it was going to be stupid and boring because Ben Stiller tends to be TOO sarcastic at times. Then there's Owen Wilson and Robin Williams... Those guys can get on my nerves, but it was a great movie. My favorite... The Easter Head Island Guy. Gum-Gum?

Dork From CTC said...

you dum dum!
I think that was my favorite too!