Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Busy, busy, doing nuthin!

It feels like Friday as I sit here. Then again in two consecutive sentences this morning, I told my kids that it was Friday, then Wednesday, and then they looked at me very confused-like. The truth of the matter is, I obviously have no clue as to what day it is.

I have a follow up conseling appointment tomorrow, so I'll need to leave work early, then I have Thursday off to work the Fair Gate taking tickets/canned food or whatever. That means I need to crawl through my storage unit and find the box that houses my red unit shirt that I should wear to show off our unit and community service... Helps to encourage "recruiting" into the unit. Either way I'm sure I'll have fun. I wish I could have coordinated with the girl that I enlisted with, since we seem to be becoming friends of sorts and now her hubby is angry with her because she volunteered him to work with her! Hahaha that is so funny, as an active duty member, I'm sure he gets tired of the endless supply of volunteer oportunities!

So this last weekend, my neice's soccer team made it to the semi-finals and we went to watch her on Friday night. Her team won (yay her!) So we went home and ended up staying up until midnight watching "Because of Winn-Dixie". Which was a cute movie.

Of course I had a race the next morning. It started at 10 so I was up trying to get things organized and a shower and choked down some semi-raw oatmeal... eww.

The race was pretty cool. Well the weather was warm, but I had fun. I ran some of it with a guy who helped keep my pace constant during the previous 16.5 miler. I eventually left him and another female behind to try to push it. We were going a bit too slow for me. I probably could have sung a song without too much gasping!

I came across a smallish girl. We ran/walked with me a bit behind her. She kept looking over her shoulder dodgedly... like if I was going to make a break for it she was going to track me down, because she didn't want me to pass her... I think she was 9 or 10 or something like that hard to tell these days... she had all her front teeth :-) so over 7-8 age area.

I finally offered up us to run together... we ran until we got to a shady area. She looked like she was struggling. It was so cute though because we went under an overpass and when we came out the other side she says (after a bit of pratter from her) "lets just pick people off one by one, since we're so close to the end." I say good idea... inside I'm laughing, she is so tiny and that is something my coach lays out to me in my race plans... We were going pretty fast for me... little people seem to have natural sprinting abilities. I didn't realize how close we were to the finish when I let her go. I took one more walk break, then realized I was REALLY close to being done, and sprinted in for a finish of 52:26.8. It isn't a world record or anything, but since I've made it this whole season without injury, it has allowed for a 20min 6 second PR from the last time I even was healthy enough to attempt this race which was in 2003! So that was awesome!!!!!

After the race, while still in racing clothes and sweating and red faced, I went to my neice's last soccer game, who was going to take it?!?!??!?!? The suspense is killing me too, so read on!

The game stared at 11 am ( my race started at 10)

I arrived a few minutes late, and was informed that the game had started about 5 minutes early.

I looked around at the competing team... huh, I've coached that girl, and that girl...aaaaaannnnnddddd that one over there! So three out of like 8 had at one point in time been on my team :-) neat-o.

The game was fierce and both teams wanted the win. Girl play rough, I don't care what anyone says...

At half time I ran over to the field office to drop off my soccer gear that was given to me as a coach and got the end of the season stuff from the lady... she isn't very nice but we won't go into that.

From there to the port-a-potties so I can change out of my race clothes... oh forgot to lock the door, sorry for flasing you ma'am.

Pulled up my pants without untying the draw string... dangit! I broke the draw string and wouldn't you know it, there is no elastic "back up" in these pants. I unclip the safety pins from my bib and try to cinch the pants up to make it through the game.

I rush over and watch the second half...

My neice's team took second the score was 1-0.

I gave my kids hugs and kisses and raced to the nearest store to buy a new pair of pants. I had also recently lost a pair of jeans so I was running out of options at home... I don't buy new clothes very often and both pants were pants I've had for at least 3 years, maybe more.

Then headed out to Drill Weekend on the AFB.

That was a lot of nuthing... ho hum!

I worked out after that on the elliptical and some weights

Saturday Night, I played dice with the kids before dinner, and once we were done eating, I was ready for bed. They put in a movie and I just relaxed.

Sunday more of saturday, really. Sat around at drill with not much to do, because I've not been trained on anything and it will stay that way until February or so.

After drill I went back to the gym and did more ellipticalling and weights and abs.

so... just a lot time spent, doing not a whole lot!

Dorkness OUT!


Anonymous said...

NICE PR!! That's awesome! Wow, your marathon is so soon!

Anonymous said...

Wait... what's "PR" again? And for a whole lot of nothing you sure did a lot. A big ol adventure with the marathon, soccer game, and pants breaking day. :-P