Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Odds n Ends

Good thing the military can't fire you for being annoying:

I emailed my 1st sgt. again today asking about WHEN I'll go to school...

Me to her -

Good Morning!
I was wondering if it had been confirmed that we would get to know our school dates this weekend, if not before? Thanks for any information you might have.


Her Reply -

Hi Amanda!
FY06 school dates have not been released yet .... sorry. I understand your sense of urgency! I'll see what I can find out ...... or at least if they have ANY idea when they'll be releasing dates .....

Thanks for you patience ... I know it's frustrating.....

BTW ..... Are you still doing the run this Saturday morning?

I wonder if I'm the only one bugging her about it. Maybe it seems the others were just going with the flow. No kids, no jobs, really, nothing else going on. One girl has a little girl, but her hubby is around, and they're going to have a grandparent up to help or something... but ya know. I'd just like to know :-)

So far today is a great day. I'm not letting little things bug me. It is surprisingly easy! I got hugs and kisses from all my kids this morning, two of them were unexpected as I wasn't sure if they'd be at my ex-husbands parent's house when I dropped my daughter's soccer gear off, but there they were, still sleeping on a pull out couch bed... oh so good! Can't pass up a child who is genuinely happy to see you, through their sleep groggy eyes, and will barely remember even seeing you, but your day is an infanite times better because of it! *sigh*

I guess that is all I have for now. I've postponed my long run for tonight. I wasn't feeling all that stellar still last night, and opted instead to clean, which, is better for everyone, I think :-)

Dorkness OUT!

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