Friday, January 19, 2007

Yay! It isn't blocked anymore... the IT department here at work apparantly decided that I should spend my work time more wisely... I guess they must have realized I work harder than they do... I just do it better so I have more down time :-)

So now that I can post again, do I even have anything to say?

Lets see....hmmmm.... well I can do 15 pushups at one time, but of course I tested that after doing 8 sets of 10 yesterday to equal 80 pushups throughout the day... then I did something similar so over the course of several hours I had done 35 pushups... then tried to see how many I could do at one time...
so far today I've done 65 and it is around 4pm here.

My daughter is selling girl scout cookies for the very first time, so if anyone wants some cookies, let me know!

What else... man, it has been a while since I've posted, huh?

I have drill this weekend so I'll be getting my orders and out processing, which is really goofy since I'll have to re-inprocess once I return after school, but whatever, I'm getting paid regardless of what goofy shenanigans they have me do.

Uhmmmm what else... man, I'm boring.

Oh! I went and saw Rocky Balboa last night a.k.a. Rocky 6.... it was alright... one part made me think, and the rest, was well, predictable there just didn't seem to be much of a story. Just an athlete who still had something left in the basement and needed one more event to get it all out.

Well, okay, I guess that is about it.
Dorkness OUT!

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