Saturday, December 08, 2007

I had to give myself a pep talk last night, the one where you make a deal with yourself. Just go and do 10 minutes, if you still feel horrible, then you can quit, knowing you at least tried. I did 30 minutes of cardio, and some walking lunges. This morning was what the gym calles 30-30-30.... 30 minutes of pace for everyone, the we broke up in groups : my group did spinning for 30 minutes, then we did "boot camp" for 30 minutes. yeah, a lot more walking lunges and squats, and situps and pushups and leg lifts, and well anyway by the end of it, my quads were mush... so good job!
I was going to swim lap swim today too, but I forgot my bag. I will do it tomorrow, I guess.
have a christmas party tonight to go to, I'm not a big party person, but well, I'm going. I need a nap!

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