Sunday, December 02, 2007

Some Privacy Please?

So, I'm in the military, and we had a party last night, the wing xmas party, so I shouldn't have been surprised when I got a notice for a UA this morning when I reported in. It was random, I'm pretty sure. I know some people think my naturally obnoxious bubbly personality must be narcotic induced, but really I'm cleaner than Mr. Clean's floor! But yeah, you get stared at during this wonderful treats.
But on a high note, I got promoted today. I'm officially not obviously the lowest ranking person. I have the same rank as others, but because they ranked up before me they're still technically higher ranking
But at the medical group holiday lunch today, we were told to line up from lowest to highest ranking person. We were all starving, but a bit shy to attack the table like the vulchers we knew we were. I gladly stepped in the front of the line... being the new kid has its perks sometimes.

In case anyone cares I am now a Senior Airman. It didn't seem like a big deal to me, but they made a big deal out of it, it was kind of fun.

Oh and I lost my ring, you know the one that goes on the left ring finger. I've had it since one of the J months in the summer, I'd be lying if i knew exactly what the date was on that... I'm not good at being a girl and military training when you do exactaly the same thing every day, its hard to remember one day from another.

I put the ring down on Saturday night, on my bed to put on nylons cuz i'm a bad girl and I can't put nylons on with a ring on without shredding the nylons (it still took two pairs). I left the house in a hurry, cuz i was already late, but I realized the ring wasn't on my finger so I turned around to grab it really quick, but IT WASN'T THERE!

My prime suspect, after i looked for 45 minutes, thus making myself even more late, and now crying uncontrollably and ruining my makeup, and praying I don't shred the last pair of nylons by tossing random clothes about. Right so about that suspect; the only other warm blooded moving being in my house was my dog... seriously would a dog eat someone's ring if the dog is mad at them? She gets moody when I don't bring my kids home... she doesn't understand they have to go to their dads' houses too... she looks at me, and at the van, when I take her outside, then back at me like "how dare you come home when no one else is getting out of that car? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, WOMAN?"

So i still can't find it, and I'm wondering if I should sift dog poo to see if I can find it? I'm thinking I need more evidence that she might be responsible for the missing ring before I play with poo off the clock. I don't even like doing it when i get paid for it at the LAB!

I didn't work out at all this weekend. My IT band is tight and I really don't want to start with that... so I stretched, and drank water and rested... and ATE way too much food. Lordy what am I going to do? Oh yeah, next week I exercise again... back to my training. I won't be swimming, but I plan on running before work, so I know I will have w workout in. I don't know if I will have daycare for the evening to do my after work workout. But I will make a tentative plan during the day and play it by ear. Tuesday, though I will swim in the AM and spin in the PM. I will come up with daycare for that!

Night all, I think I've rambled along
SrA dork signing off!


Beth said...

That's a tough one Amanda! It's a little confusing! I guess I would rest 60 sec after each 2x50 so 2x50 of side kick left, 60 sec rest then 2x50 of side kick right, 60 sec rest, etc... That doesn't tell you how much to rest in between 50s though! Once you get to the main set of 8x50 it seems simple enough to just rest 60 sec after each 50. I hope that helps some!

Anonymous said...

I hope you find your ring. I was wondering about your nylons. What kind were they and what color? DID YOU WEAR OPEN TOED SHOES? that is so sexy!!!0