Friday, September 01, 2006

Buzy Little Bee

It has been brought to my attention, that I haven't blogged in a while... oops, sorry.

I've been a bit busy lately. I'm not sure what I've been doing that I feel that way, because I honestly don't have much to show for my efforts. I haven't been running all that much, again, there doesn't seem to be enough time.

Ah, well.

I've begun another semester of classes. I'm actually excited about it. I've finished my first Trig lesson today and faxed it off to the instructor, since it is independent study. I'm also taking a Dreamweaver class. That should be fun. I'm finally admitting my geekiness over the math and science, and now some computer science interests...

I will be back in a bit, I've got lots of work to do... at work... go figure, eh?

Dorkness OUT!

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