Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It is slow at work today. I'll say it, I'm kinda hoping to jinx it "SLOW"... huh, nothing happened.

Ah well, the main doc is out of town again. At least he was awesome enough to fill out my letter of recommendation to nursing school before he left yesterday... which is awesome because I just gave it to him yesterday. Horray. I'm waiting for the other two letters to come in, one from his chemo nurse (one of them anyway), and the other from the manager of the Laboratory... when they look at those, do they even care who wrote them? Are they weighted by prestige? Hard telling.

I also need to register to take the nursing school entrance test (NET)... that ought to be fun! no really, I mean it.

So either way, I'm slowly ticking things off my to-do list, which is really impressive since I haven't even really made a to-do list :-)

I woke up super early and went to the gym, 20 minutes of interval training as prescribed... but I think I'll add some warm up and cool down time... I don't like to hop into things like that. Maybe there was one there and I missed it. I like the work out though... then I tanned real quick, trying to continue conditioning my skin. I think in a few more weeks I'll be able to go just twice a week to maintain until I go... I'm not trying to get super dark or anything, just enough to keep myself from burning at inopportune times.

Have a good one!

Dorkness OUT!

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