Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Solicited Harrassing

I think we should all gang up on the people who own the house I want to move into. It would be alright, just no violence... just annoy them a bit. I don't have the credit to buy it outright, but apparantly there are other ways to make it work. I've contacted them, by mail, certified mail, so I know they've gotten it. Of course they just got it on Monday, but still I'm impatient.

I'd love to be in a home where I can make MY rules before xmas. I don't know if it will happen or not. I don't know why somone who had a house on the very stale market for that long (at least 2 months) isn't willing to just rent it out for a measely 6-12 months... then sell it to the renter... guaranteed ontime rent also!

But ah well, I'm snobby so I'd think: if you can't afford it on your own merits then why would I let you live there? But again, I like to think the world has less mean people wandering around :-) It just sucks sometimes to hear the word "NO" so often. I know how a toddler feels. *SIGH*

So it is turkey day tomorrow... I think I'll go to the storage place and organize boxes... sounds like excitement doesn't it :-) There is actually a purpose for it. I'd like to run during the day tomorrow since I don't have any kids and I'm pretty sure we get a few hours of daylight, even if I don't see them since I'm at work for all three of those precious sun lit hours. (not really bright, still dimmish, or twilight... something like that) but if it stays above 20 below I'm all for a run outside cold (disease) or no cold.

Happy turkeys all!

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