Thursday, November 30, 2006

Christmas Presents are on their way. I got an email this morning that a portion of my order had shipped. YAY!

Today is day 3 of my new found commitment to healthier eating and actually working out :-)

I had previously fallen in love with the body for life way of eating, so I'm back to that. I prefer to eat small meals throughout the day... back when I thought I was leaving soon for basic I tried to adjust my habits to the 3 squares and maybe some snacks... big mistake... and now I am leaving soon, and well, I don't care. I will work out the issues when I get there.

Yay for me, I've turned down spaghetti last night (not made to my specifications of healthy, so....) and I ate a chicken spinach salad and had a portion of a sweet potato baked in the microwave... dry... as in no butter or toppings... I actually like them like that.

I turned down an offer for a peanut butter cookie... yay me again!

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