I am sitting here after a weird night of sleep. I had "stress" dreams. They aren't nightmares because they do not elicit fear in me. I don't wake up drenched in a cold sweat. I wake up, instead, pissed off and ready to fight. I am stressing about my schedule today. As evident from one of the dreams, which was me still at work at 7:15pm. I usually get off between 4:30 and 5:30... it depends on the doc. But in my dream it was 7:15 and I had just gotten 4 more patients... I'm mad, crying and messing up the draws so they are taking longer than they should. My race tonight starts at 6:30, then I have to be one block down for soccer pics at 7pm. The race is only one mile, and it should be fine, but my tummy is heavy over the prospect of missing something important. Gosh!
My other dream gleans with the stress of me thinking I'm going to make a fool of myself. There are going to be two heats of the mile for women, the slower women and the faster women. In my dream no one else was signed up for the slower race... and they didn't want me to run with the fast people, I'd mess it up by getting lapped or something like that. I begged them to let me just run it alone, for my time... The race official lets me go on my own. I realize that the footing isn't good, it is wooden slats, and some are broken and missing, my footing isn't so good and I am forced to run in a zig-zag kind of a way, adding way more steps... then I'm running through halls in a building, again footing is bad, like it is an old condemned building with debris all over making passage difficult. Then there are stair cases... WTF? So need I remind you folks this is a TRACK race, 4 laps around an oval... within eye sight of everyone at all times... holy cow if someone gets this stressed over a MILE maybe they should rethink racing???
Actually I'm thinking I need to just take a deep breath and know it will be fine, I can run with the 60-70 year old folks and it will be okay, and I need to get out of my comfort zone more often so it isn't so uncomfortable when I do!
Dorkness OUT!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I had a good run last night. I had my son ride his bike along side me. It was just he and I, and it was awesome.... he talked non stop for a full 30 minutes and I jogged along with him. I ended up going faster than usual without feeling like I was putting in too much effort. He liked the nice houses, too.
I have shin splints... I'm a bit sad about them, but I've been icing and massaging them here at work with lotion... and I let really ice cold water run over them, knee down to toe this morning in the shower.... tooo cold! But it made my legs feel tingly for a while after. I got some more anti-inflammatories and hopefully I'll be good!
Okay, I think I'm done for now, again!
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