Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I always knew the family wasn't quite right. Now I have proof! My aunt has tested positive for the Factor V Leiden Gene Mutation. Yeah, what is that? Well, while coagulation wasn't my favorite part of anatomy, or phlebotomy classes, it is best described as a domino effect. All of the dominos have to be present for the cascade to work. When one of the factors are missing or not working, then the cascade is either halted or weakened. While there is more than one way to skin a cat, there is also more than one way to form a clot when you cut yourself.

While this mutation would explain my ease of bruising that I've perpetually had, I doubt I've got the mutation... but alas I will get my blood drawn here in a bit... as soon as I track down someone qualified to do it... since I could, and have drawn my own blood, I don't think the hospital looks fondly on that kind of action.

I didn't run last night. I'm a bit disappointed in myself, but I think I got some well needed sleep, instead. I don't exactly feel a lot better today. I feel achey, but par for the course. I am sure it is for female things rather than the "hefty" 24 miles I ran last week ;-)

Oh yeah, on a side note... I got a phone call while I was in the shower. I noticed that it was from my x-in-laws... my father in law left a message that said that he had a BLT waiting for me and that they (he and his wife) love me .... awww

So I arrive to drop off my kids, and he is sitting outside waiting for me, breakfast in hand, because he didn't want to miss me. And he assured me the bacon was just how I like it! So that was cool, a BLT and tropicana oj and a napkin :-)

I had a patient just tell me why pets are better than kids... if you need to you can chain a pet up in the yard... while you could probably chain up your kids, you'd probably get turned in :-)

Have a good one, all! I'm off to email my first sgt to see what's going on with our training dates.

Dorkness OUT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well now hold on... my sister had to have a leash when she was little because we would lose her all the time. So yeah.. you can chain up kids.

Leaving them in the car is a whole nother story...