Thursday, June 22, 2006

New Territory

I dip one toe it to test the waters of my new surrounding. I think this will do nicely. I take in a deep breath to smell the smell of a new place. Unnavigated, unspoiled by others, mine and mine alone. Changes in life cause us to move around, we see new things, sometimes things we hadn't intended to, and sometimes things we wished we hadn't. Despite all that I am not moving to a new blog to run away, rather to start a new chapter. A chapter full of promise and positive thought. Don't get me wrong, I'll have my down moments, but now is a time to look at the positive aspects of life, a change to grow and learn from mistakes and a chance to surround myself with positive thinking folk.

I like to run. While I'm not necessarily fast at it, I like it. Be prepared to be bored with ramblings about that and some other aspects of my life.

My running right now is taking on a higher priority. A recent race has made this realization for me. While a success in its own right, I feel that if I were to train more consistantly, I will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised with the results.

To see where I've been feel free to visit my past.

To see where I'm going feel free to visit over and over!

Dorkness OUT!


I just went to the restroom, the women's restroom mind you, and there was stubble in the sink, someone stood in a public hospital bathroom and shaved... a woman.... hmmm there's something to ponder a while, eh?

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