Friday, June 30, 2006


I'm thinking that I'm tempted to go to the track and run a mile by myself without someon else walking, to see if I can go any faster. I'm sure I can, I sure wish someone would run it with me (hint, hint, S.)...

So yeah, I don't know...

Oh my daughter just called... she just graduated to the next level in swim lessons. She is a level 3 swimmer now!

Okay, going to go now :-)

Have a good day all......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i also am so curious as to how fast i can run a mile. i have a mile split from a race...but if I was running JUST ONE how fast could i go?? i never practice that. and if i jumped in a race i would have no idea what time to aim for. it would be a complete guess. and what if i TRAINED for a mile race?? see, there are so many variables...

good luck with your experiment tonight. i am sure can go faster too!! keep up posted!

and yeah level 3!