That pretty much sums up my running since Thursday. Ho hum. I made valient half assed effort last night. We drove around trying to find a trackt that wasn't locked up tight. By the time we got to the furthest one away, and it was unlocked. I had thought too much about the prospect of NOT running, that I didn't. I knew I didn't have it in me... not enough energy, not enough fluids, and not enough food. As we pulled up to the track my stomach acutally grumbled. I botched the whole day... took a nap around 3 to 6pm, and going to bed late and waking up pretty early. My youngest seems to have a slight disdain for sleep right now :-) And so now I'm at work plotting how to make up for my short comings. Do I try to make up for lost days and do two hard workouts back to back? Track tonight, long distance tomorrow AM? Or do I just suck it up and do my long run tonight and sleep tomorrow. Do I sleep tonight and try to run in the morning... given my record I tend to not wake up in the am.... oh options...
I guess it really will come down to how I'm feeling. I have the 1/2 marathon coming up this saturday... eek so soon already? So I'm tempted to not add stress to the body when it really won't make or break my race... because if it did, it would probably break it rather than make it... oh, does that make any sense?
So I'm looking forward to this race. I've done it two times before. Both times I've been injured to some extent and finished kind of slowly. I'm excited to go into it in fairly decent shape (we're never in the shape we want to be in, but I digress) and not broken :-) So yeah, looking forward to this weekend. I've gotta turn up some babysitters for the kids... I have them. I'm hoping for a gathering at the finish line. Now that I'm living closer to my mom, she seems to be taking more of an active interest in my running. I really love that. So I'm thinking that the fam can kind of congregate at the finish line and cheer me in. I've done it for them! :-) Maybe I'll bribe them with an after race lunch or something... that sounds good I always feel like eating after a race.
Okay enough of all that... we're talking about puppy rectal swabs... hmmm I'm hungry. Maybe I"ll get some food now!
Have a good night, all... who knows you may hear from me again, the shift is early yet.
Dorkness OUT!
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