My long run on Monday night was, well, long. I had been pretty much psyched up for it, and I got home my mom told me to stay away from the shop... I guess the man-folk were "beyond drunk" according to her. Okie dokie... then I got into a tiff with one of my dad's friend's son. I really don't care much for him to start with so, that got me all fired up to go, yay!
I went to the store to buy water and since they were in the same aisle, I got an energy drink... whoo!
I went to the checkout line. I guess the cashier's husband and their friend were talking about me while they were out one night. The friend is one that I am not as successful at getting blood. Some people just don't have good veins. I couldn't help but think, how sad that these people are out and about and all they have to talk about is their local phlebotomist :-( But I was supposed to give the lady friend a hard time for talking "smack" about me... all in good humor, I'm sure. The cancer patient seem to be very fond of me. Since one just walked from one end of the hospital to the other to have me draw her instead of someone else... that is almost a mile walk, I swear it, over block, at least.
So yeah, back to my long run. I got to where I wanted to start, and realized I didn't have my GPS transmitter... I can't run without it because I am a lousy judge of pace. I'd go like 4 miles and say something like 8... whatever... I need it. So I went back to find it. It ended up being at S.'s house. Cool, I got to see my daughter. So I chatted a bit there, now definately procrastinating...
I get back to where I wanted to start, again. I get going... yay. I go down some pavement road headed to where I thought this Saturday's race will be... I picked the wrong road. My shins were achey and I walked a lot of this portion, knowing that I'd be on softer ground in the very near future and could run on that without pounding the crap out of my shins. I get there! Yay... a few steps later, I'm on the ground licking the dirt up. MMMMM yummy. What the heck was that. I'm on a gravel dyke and I tripped on something, was it a rock? No some kind of metal spike or something... super! Hope that gets marked for the race. I'd hate to do that again, and knowing me, I would. So now I've eaten dirt, super, extra minerals for the duration.
I keep going pondering at every fork in the path which way I'd go if I were in the race. I've done it twice before, but I'm not very observant when I run. I just follow every one else. If they ran to the end of a clif and over, I'd go too, I'm sure, without even noticing it until I was in freefall.
I'm feeling kinda good. Oh wait, I need to pee... ahhh so much better... dang it, is that a mosquito bite on my but... goodness sakes it is!
Mile 6 comes up and I think, see this isn't so bad. Mile 7 comes and I think, gee I'm hungry. I ate some worms.... My long run was so long that I've now resorted to this. All the while I'm smelling roasted hot dogs from the camp sites just on the other side of the trees. Ah well, up and over the dyke back into the flood "channel" is that what we should call it? It cuts down on the wind some. I keep going. I notice two people on horses. I'm almost out of water... crap. I eat a few more worms to take the edge off my growling. I make a mental note to eat a bigger breakfast, and take some gu with me.
My legs start to cramp. I fell kind of yucky bodily wise. But I keep on going. What choice do I have? I should have brought more water. I make it back to my car. I take inventory of the run. It was a good one. I know I will have the support from the aid stations. I will arrive fully hydrated and warmed up and ready to go. I will need to spend time on my shins to show them I still love them, despite the abuse. I know that the mileage is definately do able and I can push myself much harder in the race and still have enough in the gas tank to kick it in the end. I need to have confidance in myself that I can do more than I have in the past. I don't have to keep myself from succeeding. It is okay to improve.
There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few that will catch your heart. Persue these.
-Michael Nolan
Dorkness OUT!
oh yeah, the worms, obviously, the gummy variety... they were in the same aisle with the water and energy drinks... how many times do you go to the store and everything you need (more than one item) are all in the same aisle... that was just neat-O!
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